Thursday, May 8, 2014

...Something to be thankful for!

I was reminded of this again this morning as Sophie and I went on her preschool tour. Yes, I said preschool. If you are wondering how that happened, let me know because I am still wondering myself. 

As I looked around the room I saw children that looked like they were completely "normal", I saw children who had obvious physical and mental challenges. Then I turned and looked at Sophie with a smile on her face, looking around checking everyone out. I saw her move about the room trying to explore the brand new places that were just waiting to be blessed by the presence of Sophie. The toys that were just waiting for Sophie to chew on because she thinks EVERYTHING goes in her mouth. (I mean was a worm last week. A REAL, LIVE, DIRTY, WORM!!)

 In that moment, I knew Sophie was going to be ok at the Porter Center.

I have been told in the past 3  years that the LISD Porter Center is one of the best Special Education schools around us. We have heard testimonies from people who have moved to this area because of the teaching and support staff at the Porter Center. Hearing this information from others is comforting to a point, but seeing Sophie in that setting, with other kids her age was more comforting than I imagined.

I have been truly struggling with the idea of Sophie starting preschool. I am sure all parents go through this. I am sure all parents are worried that their child could get hurt at school, or be left out, or have a hard time adjusting. But what all parents don't worry about is the fact that Sophie can't come home and tell me about her day. She won't be able to tell me if a teacher was mean to her, or if she got hurt, or God forbid someone abusing her. 

I am sure some people reading this think I am crazy and I shouldn't be worried about this and I would ask you to please not minimize my fears because they are real BIG fears. Imagine your child starting preschool. What fears, worries, concerns did you have? Now imagine if your child couldn't tell you about their day!

When we were taking the tour I saw a little girl crawling up the small incline on her way in to the Motor Skills Room and the teacher right along side of her, crawling with the small girl's communication device in hand going up the incline together.

In that moment I knew Sophie was going to be more than ok at the Porter Center.

Every single person we spoke with was kind, gentle, and couldn't wait to get their hands on Sophie. We even had a teacher from the older kids come in and want to meet Sophie because she had heard so much about her. When asked if Sophie is ok with strangers I smiled and said of course and they treated Sophie like one of their own. Held her, played with her, and snuggled her!

The tour continued and I was informed that because Sophie needs special care compared to some other kids, Sophie will have an extra person in whatever room she is in. She will have what they refer to as a Medical Assistant in the room. Sophie will need diaper changes, help with feeding, drinking, walking, sitting in a chair, using her communications device, etc. It blessed my heart to know that Sophie would have all this extra help, just for her. Just to keep her safe!

In that moment, I knew I was going to be ok with Sophie going to the Porter Center.

I am thankful for the wonderful experience we have had with the LISD, Early On, The On My Way Toddler Group and all of Sophie's therapists, teachers and support staff. As we get ready to transition Sophie to preschool, where Dan or I won't be there, we are going to remain thankful for the experiences we have had and will continue to have with the LISD.

To keep me accountable I have compiled a list of what I will choose to be thankful for on this not so simple road we are on:

I choose to be thankful for Sophie's communications device.

I choose to be thankful for the wheelchair/Stroller that we will have for Sophie to be safe. 

I choose to be thankful for the Medical Assistant to be in whatever room Sophie is in to give her the additional attention she needs.

I choose to be thankful for the amazing team behind us every single step of the way and the promises that we have in them not giving up on us, but more importantly, on Sophie.

I choose to be thankful that a place such as the Porter Center exists so that my daughter can get the education she deserves and needs!

This isn't going to be easy for me or for Dan, but I am choosing to remain THANKFUL!