Monday, April 23, 2012

365 Days Later

What a year it has been! This year has been full of blessings and hardships. Dan and I were just talking the other night and I told him like I have told everyone, I feel like this has been the longest year of my life and in the next breath, I can't believe how quickly time has passed.

Looking back I am going to highlight some of the good and bad points of this past year:

Sophie's birth
Transported to Toledo Children's Hospital for 6 days
Meeting her Grammie for the first time
Coming Home
Sophie being diagnosed with Hirschsprung's Disease
Dr. Butto finding not 1 but 2 holes in Sophie's heart as well as Pulmonic Stenosis.
Endorectal pull-thru surgery when Sophie was just 2.5 month old. It was the day after the 2 year birthday day of her twin brother's. Talk about an uneasy feeling having her go into surgery!
Training Sophie's anus to work properly
4 day stay over the 4th of July at Toledo Children's Hospital because Sophie stopped eating and she was backed up with gas.
Sophie rolled over from belly to back for the first time
Doctor Appointments in Toledo every month
Happy Birthday to me!
Sophie staying overnight for the first time with Nana and Papa
Football Season for Shane
Heart Surgery at 4.5 months- the longest 6 hours of my life...literally
Sophie started being awake more and smiling
PT and OT once a week
Shane's 11th Birthday!!
MRI needed for her vision problems - U of M was unsuccessful to say the least
Physical Medicine doctor highly recommended the MRI
MRI rescheduled in Toledo
2 doctor's urged us to have genetic testing done on Sophie because of everything that she had going on. They believed it was related to some sort of syndrome.
Sophie visits U of M for genetic testing. Mowat-Wilson was what she was being tested for.
Thanksgiving...I wasn't feeling very thankful. My husband had to tell me to be thankful for the small things.
New Year's
Sophie was diagnosed with Mowat-Wilson Syndrome on January 2, 2012 at 10:31 am.
At that point my world ended and it is starting to start up again!
Sophie getting stronger each day
Another heart surgery needed but they are waiting for her to reach 20lbs.
Sophie laughing and smiling, and giggling daily
Sophie rolled over for the first time from back to front at her heart doctor appointment the day before her 1st Birthday!!!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY  SOPHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whew! That is one heck of a year. What I am learning through this journey is that I have to take things one day at a time or even one moment at a time when a day seems too long! We are so blessed beyond measure and I tell myself that daily. Don't get me wrong, all of this sucks but it is starting to get a little less sucky!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry I messed this one up!!!

  2. I can NEVER tell you just how amazing you are!!! What a rollar coaster ride of emotions the three of you have been through. Even though I went through them with you in one way or another, I still can't imagine what you have gone through. That probably sounds crazy, but I believe you will know what I mean. I know Sophie could not have hand picked better parents than Dan & you and a better big brother than Shane. I love your family so very much my dear daughter!!!!
